Our Mission Statement.
The Six-Step Process
It all begins when first you hear about Lunar Oculitis. Do you dismiss and ignore it, or do you dig deeper?
Ask questions, be honest. It's ok if you don't get it right away. Everyone's journey to understanding Lunar Oculitis is different, you just have to take the first step.
It all begins with acceptance, much in the same way people suffering from Lunar Oculitis have to accept the fact that they will never see the moon. Understand and appreciate their struggle.
Try to put yourself in their shoes. What would it be like to not see the moon. Try to imagine it. This is very important if you want to truly be an ally.
Their eyes might not work, but their voices do. Give Lunar Oculitis-affected people in your community the opportunity to tell their story.
Take a Nap
Have a rest, you’ve earned it! Look at all the work you just did! The world is a better place with you in it :).